Anatoliy Popov
5+ years of experience in enterprise web development:
  • > Main stack: Vue 2/3, Pinia, VueX, Nuxt, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • > Gained expertise: TypeScript, React, Redux, Jest, Micro-frontend
  • > Related skills: NodeJS, jQuery, Rest API, GIT, CI/CD, B2 English
Relevant Experience
FRONT-END DEVELOPER @ MARFATECH / June 2023 - November 2023
[ Russia, Cyprus, online casino startup ]
  • > Development of new functionality and bug fixes
  • > Participation in the migration to micro-front architecture
  • > Work in a fast-paced environment with a high level of code quality
  • > Using up to date front-end technologies (Vue 3, TS, Pinia, Micro-frontend)
[ Russia, Kazan, digital division of Ak Bars bank ]
  • > Creating components and interfaces with VUE and Nuxt JS
  • > Work in the bank website development team
  • > Integration with other teams and services of the bank
FRONT-END DEVELOPER @ LENVENDO / April 2021 - May 2022
[ Russia, Saint-Petersburg, development of highload projects ]
# Eldorado (retail chain selling consumer electronics)
  • > Redesigning of the Eldoblog portal on Sass
  • > Refactoring legacy code of the project
  • > Optimization of the development process
  • > Optimizing blog site performance for google page speed and users
  • > Improving blog accessibility
# Magnit (chain of retail stores)
  • > Took part in the development of the market and delivery service
  • > Bug fixing of TypeScript VUE code
  • > Tests coverage with Jest
  • > Continuous integration in a big team
# SberMegamarket (online food and goods delivery service)
  • > Creating interface for the admin panel of the marketing experiments platform
  • > Building a project front-end architecture and project setup
  • > Implemented CRUD operations on experiments
  • > Creating a calculator of the realizability of the experiment working with a python script
  • > Work with TypeScript, VUE, VUEX, Vuetify, Axios and Pug + Stylus stack
FRONT-END DEVELOPER @ 1 C-UMI / April 2018 - April 2021
[ Russia, Saint-Petersburg, IT company producing website builder]
  • > Cross-browser, adaptive, pixel perfect layout of static and dynamic web pages
  • > Pure JS coding, jQuery coding, setting up JS libraries
  • > Troubleshooting and bug fixing in legacy JS code
  • > Writing scripts for the user interface
  • > Creating HTML templates for builder and fixing XSLT and PHP templates
  • > Optimizing website performance and improving google pagespeed statistics
  • > E-mails layout HTML coding
HTML/CSS CODER @ FREELANCE-WORK / January - April 2018
[ Self-employed ]
  • > Creation and customization of web sites on the Word Press engine
  • > Designing, fixing and implementing php templates
  • > Creating a blog and landing pages and publishing them on hosting
Saratov Y. A. Gagarin state technical university,
IRBiS, Information systems and programming faculty / 2010
About me
I possess first-hand teamwork experience as a JavaScript, HTML, and CSS coder in a product-based company with high layout complexity requirements. I worked as a frontend developer in an outsourcing company dealing with highload projects for large companies with thousands of visitors. I also participated in project coverage with tests. I created and maintained an enterprise project solo. I have experience working in a fintech company. Our team developed the bank's website and integrated it with other banking services. I also took part in the development of an online casino and gained valuable experience in using modern frontend technologies.

Now I am looking for interesting career development opportunities and continue to work on my mastery of JavaScript, as well as English.
javaScript = [
  • 'Vue ( VueX, Vuetify )',
  • 'React ( Redux )',
  • 'TypeScript',
  • 'JQuery',
  • 'Jest'
htmlCss = [
  • 'Adaptive',
  • 'Accessibility',
  • 'Cross-browser',
  • 'Pixel perfect',
  • 'Less/Sass/Stylus/Pug',
  • 'Bootstrap/Materialize',
  • 'E-mail layout',
  • 'Tailwind',
  • 'BEM'
technologies = [
  • 'REST API',
  • 'CI/CD',
  • 'GIT',
  • 'Micro-frontend',
  • 'WordPress'
tools = [
  • 'AI ( GPT, AWS Copilot )',
  • 'Command-line interface',
  • 'Chrome DevTools',
  • 'Postman',
  • 'Webpack',
  • 'Gulp',
  • 'Grunt',
  • 'Yarn',
  • 'Npm'
design = [
  • 'Adobe Photoshop',
  • 'Adobe Illustrator',
  • 'Figma'
teamwork = [
  • 'Agile',
  • 'Scrum',
  • 'Jira',
  • 'Confluence',
  • 'Teams'
personality = [
  • 'Organized',
  • 'Punctual',
  • 'Attentive to details',
  • 'Able to solve problems',
  • 'Ready to learn new things',
  • 'Non-confrontational',
  • 'Team-player'
interests = [
  • 'Web technologies',
  • 'Traveling ',
  • 'Cycling',
  • 'Football',
  • 'Cinema',
  • 'Street art'